The Thinkers Sphere is a higher-order sphere which uses skills from the other two spheres to engage in critical and creative thinking. 

The Three Spheres of Library Skills - Thinkers Video

Watch an overview of the Thinkers Sphere published by Teacher Magazine.

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External Resources

The COR curriculum provides free lessons and assessments that help you teach students to evaluate online information that affects them, their communities, and the world.

GO VIRAL! is a 5-minute game that helps protect you against misinformation. You’ll learn about some of the most common strategies used to spread false and misleading information. 

The News Literacy Project is building a national movement to advance the practice of news literacy throughout society, creating better informed, more engaged and more empowered individuals.y.

How can students get better at sorting truth from fiction from everything in between? 

The four moves are: Stop, Investigate the source, find better coverage, trace the original context.

The Conspiracy Test is a gamified interactive platform to help increase healthy skepticism for conspiracy theories.

Hoaxes and Fakes is a lesson plan from Common Sense Education about how not to be fooled by fake videos and other information online. explores cognitive biases, shortcuts in our thinking which make our judgement irrational. It has been designed to help you identify some of the most common biases affecting your thinking..

The Critical Thinking Alliance provides critical thinking resources and topical recommendations for fighting misinformation and promoting scientific understanding and rationality.

Cat Park is a disinformation inoculation game. In the game your city is building a park just for cats. Your goal is to stop that from happening using disinformation tactics like emotional language and polarization, turning the public against the park.

Reality Team is a non-profit working to push credible information into social media feeds. We research complicated issues, share what we learn and always list our sources.

Ask questions. Share credible info. Scroll on...

Killer Underwear Invasion  is a funny, yet informative book which breaks down what fake news is, why people spread it, and how to tell what is true and what isn’t. Aimed at children, this book has many images that are suitable for discussion with older students as well.

NewsGuard provides professional misinformation tracking tools, but also has regular posts and blogs on topics of interest to fake news.

Fake Content Websites

All About Explorers

Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

Republic of Molossia